Junior Multi-Sport Championships
Multi-sport events cannot use the same format as the Running Championship without becoming incredibly complex and very difficult to manage. Therefore, a simplified points-based method will be used that captures the athlete’s performance in the context of the event.
- Standard gender and age grouping will be used.
- Separate Triathlon and Duathlon championships will held.
- A set of prescribed events, representing a mixture of Triathlon or Duathlon distances will be used for the Multi-Sports Championship.
- The BRJ athlete must participate in a prescribed minimum number of events and the overall Championship will use the three best scores over the year.
- Scoring will be based on the athlete’s performance in the event in their given age/gender category.
- Points will be awarded based on whole numbers and the percentile in which they finish.
- The Multi-Sports Championship will be based on the 2 (two) best scores achieved over the season.
Scoring is as follows.
Top 20 Percentile of your age and gender group = 10 points
Second 20 Percentile = 8 points
Third 20 Percentile = 6 points
Fourth 20 Percentile = 4 points
Fifth 20 Percentile = 2 points
2 bonus points are awarded if the BRJ member wins the age and gender group for the event
1 bonus point will be awarded to the top BRJ member in the age and gender group
- Compete in four races of either triathlon or duathlon, you cannot mix and match across the two disciplines, but can do both i.e. eight races.
- That a minimum of two races must be from the specified Multi-Sports Club Championship list of qualifying events.
- You can do all four races from the specified list or any combination as long as the minimum two is achieved to qualify.
- Any races outside of the specified Club Championship list must have independent verifiable results, e.g. website.