Hi all
Hope you have a lovely Easter even if the temperature is more like Christmas.
Three items today – club runs, renewals and nominating a charity.
Club Charity
As you know we usually have a club charity voted on at the AGM. At the AGM we decided that we would wait a while as it is hard to do much fundraising at present. However to be off to a flying start when we can, the committee would like to start the process of finding a new charity now. Would you like your chosen charity to be the BRJ charity? Typically we can raise about £3-5000 pounds – which makes a big difference especially if it is a smaller charity. What do you have to do to nominate a charity? Write to Claire Aston email hidden; JavaScript is required with a short description of the charity, a link to its website and a reason why you think BRJ should support it – all the better if it is something close to your heart. Generally we ask that the winning charity nominee should also be the charity fundraising officer, and take the lead on thinking of fundraising events and working with the social secretary to pull them off. Sarah Taylor Hall has offered to help out with charity fundraising this year and the committee is always very supportive so you are never alone.
Club activities
It was great to see so many of you at the club runs and track last week, and thanks to the run leaders and coaches for making it so successful.
Monday 5th – Meet at Riverside park 7pm. Pace groups and route decided onnight.
Tuesday 6th – At present we do not have a leader for the Tuesday run due
to injury. If you meet please run in groups of 6
Wednesday 7th – Track session Juniors 5:45-6:45; Seniors 7-8 pm At the running track, St Ivo outdoor Centre, PE27 6SJ
As you may have gathered there is a lot I haven’t fathomed at the moment. The current problem is that although I have set you all up with the discounted membership this doesn’t always seem to be appearing when you you go on to the site. Regardless of what membermojo tells you the fee is, please pay according to the rates below.
1. go tohttps://membermojo.co.uk/brjrunandtri/ – click on Join us / renew, Click on renew and follow the instructions. Check and amend any incorrect details – I know some of you have moved.
2. Pay by bank transfer to Lloyds Bank BRJ Run and Tri 30 94 47 00121139
3. I will confirm payment and you will then receive your new membership card.
Fees for renewing members are:
Seniors £15
Juniors £7.50
Associate £3.75
Senior family member £11.25
Junior family member £5.62
Life/ over 65 £0
England athletic license fee remains at £15 and should be added to the above as appropriate.
Alice Noyes
BRJ Membership Secretary