Tier Four Team Trial

posted in: Runs | 0

Here we go again! Tier Four elevates us, not up but all the way down to lockdown once again.

As Huntingdonshire shows a very rapid rise in the rates of infection and a new variant of Covid-19 looks like being even more infectious we must call a halt to our normal club activities.

But we are not going to stop running. Once again BRJ Run and Tri offers members a chance to run together while staying apart.

Welcome to the Tier Four Team Trial

Here’s how it works:

Teams of six; the challenge is to complete 60K running over two weeks.

Team captains will coordinate who does which distance. The distance each runner will run will be determined and agreed by members and coordinated by the Team Captain. Team members may opt to run shorter distances but to run twice in the two weeks.

For example: all 6 runners do 10K, or 3 runners do 15K, 1 runner does 10K 1runners do 5K. You get the idea.

The permutations are numerous, and each team can determine who does what.

With Tier Four restrictions club members can run in pairs

There will be no set route, just as well given the recent flooding.

There will be the challenge of posting the fastest time. An additional challenge is to ask each team to estimate the time they will take to run 60K.

Team captains send the total time taken for the 60K to Trial Coordinator (email hidden; JavaScript is required). I’ll collate and publish the results.

As before team can enlist substitutes if a team member cannot run.
There will be five “races” over 10 weeks.

The first trial will start on Sunday 3rd January and end on Saturday 16th January