The BRJ Lockdown Relay

posted in: Runs | 0

Race One

Congratulations to all those who have completed the first race in the BRJ Lockdown Relay. I hope you enjoyed taking part in a club activity again, at last, running together while apart with a little added challenge to make it fun and motivating.

A big thank you to the team captains for bringing the teams together, agreeing the race route and sending in the results.

These results are based on the average times for all six relay legs.  winners for the fastest all male, all female and mixed teams, and a winner for the best average age graded score, this is based on the age and gender of each member of the team.

From the result below you can see that the fastest team overall, and the all-male team is: The Outsiders

The fastest all woman’s team is: RAAAAY’s Rockets

The mixed team with the fastest average time is: Park Racers

These teams also hold the best age grade averages in their categories.

The Lockdown Relay Race Two will be held Week beginning 7th June (and to be completed before the end of Saturday 13th June). Team Captains can decide an alternative race route for each race. If a team member is unable or not available to run a substitute can be recruited.

Race Two will include an additional “winner” category just to keep it interesting.

It is not too late for members to form another team and join in the relay. I am aware there a few people out there looking for runners to join them. Please contact me or post on the club’s Facebook page.

As lockdown restrictions will change on 1st June, I am awaiting clarification from England Athletics about how many runners can run together while keeping a safe physical distance apart. I’ll let you know.


Alconbury Pacers (Team Captain: Tony Farrow) Mixed team

Average Time: 26 minutes 13 seconds

Age Grade Average 65.51%

BRJ Best Team (Team Captain: Anna Best) Mixed team

Average Time: 29minutes 20 seconds

Age Grade Average: 57.29%

Goddy Gliders (Team Captain: Alice Noyes) Mixed team

Average Time: 29minutes 55 seconds

Age Grade Average: 55.81%

Happy Hartford Rainbows (Team Captain: Emma Figures) Mixed team

Average Time: 30 minutes 41 seconds

Age Grade Average: 58.48%

In Betweeners (Team Captain: Sara Graham Clare) Mixed team

Average Time: 35minutes 16 seconds

Age Grade Average: 50%

Long Path Lopers (Team Captain: Paulus Maukonen) Mixed team

Average Time: 28minutes 2 seconds

Age Grade Average: 53.75%

The Outsiders (Team Captain: William Dales) Male Team

Average Time: 18minutes 23 seconds

Age Grade Average: 73.13%

Park Racers (Team Captain Philip Graham Clare) Mixed team

Average Time: 25minutes 25 seconds

Age Grade Average: 60.21%

RAAAAY’s Rockets (Team Captain: Alison Orrell) Women’s Team

Average Time: 25minutes 15 seconds

Age Grade Average: 67.36%

Rookie Runners (Team Captain: Michelle Sutherland) Mixed team

Average Time: 33 minutes 40 seconds

Age Grade Average: 46.37%

Thomas Terriers (Team Captain David Thomas) Mixed team

Average Time: 29minutes 26 seconds

Age Grade Average: 56.02%