Category | Amount | Description |
Junior | £21 | 8-17 years old* |
Associate | £5 | Non competitors who want to partake in club social events |
Senior | £25 | Full membership including running, cycling and swimming (not including an EA race licence or second claim**) |
Senior | £44 | Full membership including running, cycling and swimming (including EA race licence**) |
Life/Over 65 | Free | Full membership including running, cycling and swimming (not including EA licence) |
Family Membership | Families consist of at least 1 senior first claim and 1 junior member. This qualifies for a 25% discount (excluding EA fees) on these two and any further members. |
*If juniors between the ages of 11 and 18 wish to race in senior events, they can purchase an EA race licence.
**If you are joining BRJ Run and Tri as a second claim EA member, or you do not want to road race, you do not need to pay the EA fee.
We swim in Hinchingbrooke Park Lake between April and September and swimmers must be members. Non-members can join other sessions for a small fee.
We take the privacy of our members seriously. Read our Privacy Policy – BRJ Run and Tri Data Privacy Policy V2